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28th June 2020, 11:45
I thought this puzzle was a great idea very well put together and as such I enjoyed it very much.

The answer to the riddle in the top left corner held me up for quite some time and I only solved it by finding a string of words and then seeing how it might serve as an answer, finally realizing there was a reference to children's literature.

I look at AB sometimes, though I never post there, and I agree with the comments made here. The self-satisfaction is not quite as bad as it used to be. Almost every week someone would say: "I spotted the theme straight away and it's a favourite one of mine", but that has been less the case over time.
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28th June 2020, 11:59
I can’t parse the word in the bottom left corner. I’ve got a present tense and feel I should have a past.
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28th June 2020, 12:03
Hi Patch49,

I thought the same thing but Chambers gives "muddled" as the 4th definition.
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28th June 2020, 12:05
To parse it, patch, what do you need to do to turn the word EVEN into ELEVEN?
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28th June 2020, 12:06
patch, to make 'even' = 'eleven' would have made it more obvious what to add... (the tense is fine if you check the Chambers entry).
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28th June 2020, 12:15
It's difficult to make the case for opposites in the same argument, loge - I accept that. I'd have opted for one or the other (it would have ruined the humble tone of my post if I'd mentioned the film I watched after finishing the puzzle and before posting on here - Abel Gance's 'Napoleon' - great film).
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28th June 2020, 12:21
Fair point, drxx. No harm done, I hope.
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28th June 2020, 12:22
Thanks for the help.
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28th June 2020, 12:28
None at all, loge - and I like the cross-traffic between the two sites.
It was particularly nice to see an old 'face' from my days as a contributor to the AB Listener thread (if it is really you, Zabadak - have you still got that old blanket?).
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28th June 2020, 12:32
Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not Zabadak - I post on AB with a Wagnerian name - as here!
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