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28th June 2020, 18:45

I am fairly inexperienced so i may not be the best person to run any ideas past. There are two options I can think of.

One is to write to the editors at the address given in the instructions for solvers, although I suspect they are too busy reviewing, editing and preparing for publication to get involved in too much discussion about early stage concepts.

The second is to try to find an experience setter to talk to. One option may be to contact the ' listen with others' people. If you're not familiar with it, this is a website with blogs written by listener solvers which also contains a blog by the crossword setter talking about how they set the listener most weeks. Just reading the setter blogs may be helpful, but if you contact them they may be able to put you in touch with an experienced setter you could bounce some ideas off.
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28th June 2020, 19:36
Smellyharry, thanks for that. Will try the website you suggested.
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29th June 2020, 04:55
Thanks crates & loge. As is often the case, I'm overthinking it. I came across the pathway, the "answer" to the riddle, simply by using the first 6 words, so I was suspiciousof the last 5. I'm now reconciled to the fact that they were merely clarifying which manifestation of the P word was being referenced. I suppose it was too much for the setter to have made my hoped-for thematic connection between the 4 riddle answers
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29th June 2020, 13:15
Really struggled to get going with this after initially failing to cold solve some key clues to get the grid fill started. Then, having filled the grid and numbered all the clues, I ordered the extra words by clue number rather than across followed by down clues so my riddles were distinctly sphinx-like. Once that was sorted the end game dropped into place quite quickly.
Not parsed one or two but never mind.
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29th June 2020, 16:11
Finally managed to complete the puzzle and find the escape route. One niggle is the 6th across clue. I have the answer as a synonym of "blasters" but this doesn't quite fit as an anagram of "at store".
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29th June 2020, 16:36
I was flummoxed by that clue for a while before concluding it was a part, not full, anagram, i.e. at = to.
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29th June 2020, 16:41
Thanks son1of rover1
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29th June 2020, 20:23
Greetings from the bottom of the food chain.

I am really stuck. I have completed the grid without any need to seek assistance and, judging by the above thread, have identified all the surplus words. I can see that they form riddles, but simply cannot see how to construct answers. Should they be single words? Have they some sort of link? Is each answer entirely contained within their quadrant?

I fully appreciate that the standard for the Listener must be maintained but the hints on this this thread mean that I do try and keep going: this pleases Mrs Seal. I am grumpier than anyone else - so would you be if you were Cardiff Rugby member. I don't see a 'may contain answers' thread this time so could someone please throw me a fish?
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29th June 2020, 20:38
Two of the riddles are well known - top right and bottom left - so if you google their clues you should get the two one word answers, williamseal.
Next, look for the words in their quadrants moving up, down, left and right - but not corner to corner (the words lead through each quadrant from an in point to an out point).
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29th June 2020, 20:39
Williamseal, each answer is contained in a quadrant, only one of which is not a single word, none of the answers are linked, other than they form a continuous path. I got started with the SE quadrant where one of the riddle words was familiar to denizens of this forum.
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