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20th June 2020, 19:50
sorry.. for 28 you need the last three letters of a word for company/group surrounded by the roman numeral for 2

missing letter should be a "b"
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21st June 2020, 01:54
I'm back this week to try again and am pleased to say I'm almost there on the clues . Only clues can't figure out 6a & 6d although I can guess the extra letters based on the rest of the big clue. Any hints?

I also can't figure out the wordplay on 33a & 4d but have solved the answers and have the extra letters, again based on the 'big clue'. Would nonetheless be helpful to understand them.

I take it the clue itself is cryptic, when it says the answer (and the name) is split over two sites, does that essentially mean just a few letters in a row, reading R to L / T to B, or can it also read in reverse?

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21st June 2020, 01:58
Scrap that, got 6d so that'll help with 6a!
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21st June 2020, 02:10
And done, have read some of his stuff but not that one yet, I guess i'll have to now.
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21st June 2020, 02:12
Hi Afish,

33a 3 letter word for "retreat" + 5 letter word for "relating to" (I didn't know this word) minus "A" and the extra letter - definition is "carriage"

4d "central trio" of letters in (amb)IGU(ous) minus the extra letter + 3 letter very loose definition of "office"

The answer to the clue is split 6,6 and appears in two separate rows

The name is in a separate continuous line of 10 letters
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21st June 2020, 09:42
I have full grid but struggling to see the ‘clue’ as still have several missing letters. I have H then T for 15/16a which doesn’t seem to work. And can’t see 19. Also 6/7d extra letters would be a great help to me.
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21st June 2020, 09:45
Many thanks tatters for your nudges. Although I can see that this was a much easier one than some, I would not have been able to find the answer without the discussion on this site. it has kept me busy on a depressing day for Arsenal so I am grateful.

One final request - can someone help me parse 7 across? I presume that the extra letter is F for the answer clue to work.

Again my appreciation to all who contribute.
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21st June 2020, 09:47
he with (f)east inside ...feast = delight?
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21st June 2020, 09:55
Lumen, I had O as the extra letter for 16a at first because I thought (O)OM for man. But it's I from IDI, and man refers to an island in the Irish Sea.

For 19a, a finial can be a (T)EE.

6d, 7d Y and F. B(Y)E = extra and fitte is an old song but I don't think the clue reads very well.
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21st June 2020, 10:02
Thanks Orson - 7 down is not a good clue in an otherwise excellent puzzle. Not being a card player I'd not heard of 'honours' in the sense that it is used in 32 down.
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