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20th June 2020, 10:13
Thanks again Brendan.
I didn’t understand the definition which was holding me up.
All done now.
31 of 61  -   Report This Post


20th June 2020, 11:17
If I am correct that the clue formed by the extra letters comprises 10 words, is the purpose of the 8th & 9th ones (2,1) at 21d, 23d and 25d simply to link the wordplay to the definition ?
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20th June 2020, 11:30
That's how I see it, Son1. I feel that the two-letter preposition should really be used in "definition from wordplay" constructions rather than the other way round (as here), but I'm probably being anal-retentive.
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20th June 2020, 14:28
I appear to have satisfactorily resolved everything except 34Across, for which I have LO?TE. I have absolutely no idea how this clue works, and would appreciate a not too subtle, heavy-handed nudge, please. I've assumed the extra letter to be G.
34 of 61  -   Report This Post


20th June 2020, 14:33
Turast, maybe 'originally Spenserian' will help...

PS I got the answer from working through Chambers, that hint could be nonsense!
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20th June 2020, 16:16
I think it might be a double definition &lit with 'alternately' doing double duty as part of the def 'or' + anagrind for - LET (g)O [the (g) is extra] +S and 'originally' doing double duty for the S - '(S)penser' + 2nd def for LOSTE (the 1st being 'let go' [past tense].
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20th June 2020, 16:21
...sorry, the 2nd def is present tense, not past tense - 'let go' as in 'loose', but it is a different def (the other being 'lose' 2).
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20th June 2020, 16:32
No, it's not a double def , my mistake - the def is 'let go', but it's also the anagram fodder (so, &lit but only one def).
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20th June 2020, 19:19
This time have had a good run except for SE corner. Can anyone help me with 28 down - I did not study Latin and often struggle. Also 32 down - I can't parse the clue and here identify the surplus letter.

If I could resolve these two I'll struggle on to the next stage, so any help appreciated.

Many thanks
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20th June 2020, 19:32
The honours refer to playing cards. You need the two highest.

The African political party is the usual South African one.

The whole thing is a 4 letter acronym for an exam body [now defunct]

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