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17th June 2020, 17:12
I managed to finish it at last with the help of the hints. Thanks everyone. I thought it was another brilliant one. For the setter to use all 13 letters inside the house to give an interpretation of the living arrangements was some feat.

So thanks to the setter for a great puzzle.
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17th June 2020, 17:21

Thanks for that which makes it a perfect puzzle. I apologise to the setter for my error, as that was my only quibble. I didnt look in Chambers as I know knot from my sea-faring days - Nobody in the fo'c's'le ever used knot to mean mile, nautical or otherwise.

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18th June 2020, 05:46
In the 4th word round the perimeter, I have the three consonants STL at 3, 4 and 5 down respectively, and so it looks like the 2 vowels could go in either order in the two unchecked squares, one before the middle 3 letters and one after - is that correct or do they have to go in a specific order?
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18th June 2020, 06:22
Hi Brendan, your stl are right. The entry is an anagram of the fourth item in the verse and is a type of fibre.
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18th June 2020, 06:29
Hi Alwayspuzzled,

I've got what it is but it appears that, because the 2 squares either side of the STL are unchecked, that the I and E could go in either square and it wouldn't make any difference ie ISTLE or ESTLI?
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18th June 2020, 06:38
Morning again Brendan, isle as all the perimeter entries are actual words or names.
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18th June 2020, 06:43
Hi AP, why does it have to be a real word, it says an 'interpretation' is required, so "crooked stile" indicates an anagram of 'stile' hence it could be IST.... or EST.....
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18th June 2020, 06:48
I think a real word is more feasible otherwise both alternatives would have to be accepted.
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18th June 2020, 06:53
I'm sure you're right, it just seems a bit 'loose'.

Many thanks AP
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18th June 2020, 08:34
Hi Grunger

I’m a bit confused.

What do you mean by 13 letters inside the house?

I thought they were M??, C?? And M????

Isn’t that 11 or am I missing something?
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