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25th April 2020, 18:21
Thanks, Malone - I shan't bother. Loads of old Listeners to go at on the Times website. Plus EV, Mephisto and AZED tomorrow.
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25th April 2020, 18:22
Hi bobbycollins, now Malone has guided me to a happy conclusion, I can say that I personally found this one worth doing. Yes, some clues were easy but not all of them to someone at my level. I think you are more able than me, but you must be the judge of your own standards.
And thank you again Malone!!
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25th April 2020, 18:23
Thanks, bobbycollins. I didn't want to put you off altogether, but I knew this was my least -liked out of the last six or so Inquisitors. I was hoping someone else with the totally opposite viewpoint would come along, so that you could make a balanced decision!
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25th April 2020, 19:12
It was nice. Good penny drop moment. Yes pretty easy and didn’t take long. Without even looking at this site!
Can anyone explain the reference to 8d in the preamble. That’s my only query.
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25th April 2020, 19:18
Jogamel, glad I could help, glad you enjoyed the puzzle.

Lumen, I forgot about that mention. Maybe it's just a reference to us, our doctoring (the answer) , causing the appearance of the answer/disease?
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25th April 2020, 19:36
Mmm, that’s good. Maybe!
I was thinking about the two letters removed, and the alcohol connection maybe!
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26th April 2020, 21:00
I think I may have gone wrong somewhere. If I read Malone's post regarding the unclued word in the bottom left hand corner correctly, the penultimate letter should be a V, but I've got S from 20d (house of) TUD..... - is that wrong?
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26th April 2020, 21:05
Brendan, 20 D is only a five-letter answer (given in the clue and barred off in the grid).
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26th April 2020, 21:12
Aghhh! I drew the grid out by hand and obviously didn't check it properly:-(

Assuming that was my only error, can you confirm these letters for the central across unclued - ????PH?H?M? - only I've them in numerous word search engines, including Chambers, with no hits.

Thanks Malone.
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26th April 2020, 21:20
Thanks, Brendan. Your letters are fine - believe it or not! I think I got the answer once I had the letters from 2 D and 3 D - that opened up some possibilities...

You probably won't get far with search engines because of the thematic treatment.
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