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20th April 2020, 21:39
Not to worry, malone - I now see we're referring to a different row.
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20th April 2020, 21:45
Drxx, I was just going by Grunger's post and assuming she meant a particular row. I didn't even look further down, I'd forgotten about that other one. (My completed grid is … less than pristine, shall we say?!)
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20th April 2020, 21:53
Yes, malone - I went back to grungers post and then realised it had to be the 6th row down (and I see what you mean by the missing 'i') but grunger must have a wrong answer somewhere to get that 'u'.
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20th April 2020, 21:54
kirky malone

I changed candle to caudle ( a drink) . Are you saying there are two rakis?
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20th April 2020, 22:00
candle must change to candies, grunger - the 'i' coming from nbsidian for 4d.
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20th April 2020, 22:04
...sorry, i missed the 's' - '...candles to candies'
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20th April 2020, 22:12
Thanks, Grunger . No, there are almost two rakis! The first three letters are in the row you were discussing.
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21st April 2020, 06:45
Just to put the cat among the pigeons for the two rakis - the sixth row has arak towards the end and there is also kir as well as raki in the ninth row.
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21st April 2020, 06:56
Thanks, alwayspuzzled. Yes, it was the 'arak' I was nudging Grunger towards and we mentioned the other 'raki'. I considered 'kir' at one point, but it's not a short, it's a cocktail/mixed drink, so I discounted it.
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21st April 2020, 07:17
Like you Malone I was undecided between kir and raki but went for the latter for the same reason as you. I have found the recent EVs very entertaining and well constructed but agree about the last across clue in this.
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