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20th April 2020, 13:01
So the second instruction is to give a pair of simple 'say what you see' pictograms.

I have to say that for a while I was expecting things to work rather differently ie what we don't want (the precursor to and the result of the two changes) would become what we really want to see - a successful v*c*i*a*t*o* programme. Tricky to fit it all in though!
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21st April 2020, 08:40
Another superb puzzle. Am in awe as ever with the skill involved in creating these crosswords. As this one must have been put together pretty quickly (unless PINK has amazing perspicacity) I’m particularly impressed .
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21st April 2020, 08:56
Hi Bubber,

That's a good point, he really can't have had long to create this - makes it all the more impressive.
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21st April 2020, 21:27
Superb puzzle. Just completed and came on here to see the chat. I could well be wrong but am pretty sure this must be a collaboration between P I N K

Maybe Phi, Ifor, Nimrod and Kruger ?

Lovely stuff which raised a smile and spirits. Thanks one and all
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21st April 2020, 21:38
JLC, we had SPINK before (last year), with the late, great Schadenfreude - I think this is the first puzzle from the rest of the team. I always meant to investigate SPINK, but never got round to it - your details sound right.
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