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9th March 2020, 16:19
Thanks Quisling.

That was just the nudge I needed.
81 of 123  -   Report This Post


9th March 2020, 18:22
Good evening, I've just started this today as I've been away. It seems like a stinker, I've obviously got something wrong on the right hand side as I'm struggling to resolve Tintin's pal with other entries. The left hand side is giving me some grief as well, if there's anyone still about I would appreciate a nudge for 32-7, I have the starting letter I think but that's about it. Thanks.
82 of 123  -   Report This Post


9th March 2020, 18:38
Planks, 32-7. Def. is the first 5 words.
The first letters of 2 words + a synonym for 'advances'
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9th March 2020, 18:43
Hi planks. Tintin’s pal, move up first then down left. 32-7 is a straightforward clue. K plus A, with another word for loans. It’s an alternative spelling, normally with a C. Good luck.
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9th March 2020, 18:45
Thanks mattrom, just what I needed.
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9th March 2020, 18:49
Thanks also xij, getting Tintin's pal correct then means another entry doesn't work. I think I'll call it a day and have another look with a fresh grid and eyes tomorrow!
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9th March 2020, 22:44
First time in a long time that it has taken me until Monday to complete the puzzle. This was absolutely wonderful.
I too was bothered about the cell numbered 20. I guess it was part of another option for the answer to 21-15 which was later removed.
I said last week was the best of the year but this beats it.
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10th March 2020, 03:14
Can anyone give me a wee hint for the wordplay in 45-53? Can’t quite untangle it all. Also, what’s the local fluke in 28-54 about?

And I’m also struggling with the four final synonyms, inessential though they might be. I see that categories 1+2 and 2+3 give two English names for what we’ve drawn, and category 4 the Latin name, but how does category 5 provide a fourth synonym?
88 of 123  -   Report This Post


10th March 2020, 05:10
45-53: For the wordplay, if a bowler in cricket hasn't succeeded, they could be said to be W......... Take the W off and add T to get the entry.

28-54 Chamber's second definition for fluke gives a flounder (N Am. or dialect)

In the synonyms, there's an edible connection to one group.

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10th March 2020, 08:24
Mooncow - yes I got as far as you with the synonyms. The final category is a subset of what you have drawn (google f****r s******h) but that is not really a synonym.
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