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7th March 2020, 15:20
I've not even looked at it yet but just a plea not to put explicit answers or thematic material in BLOCK CAPITALS, especially if no-one has asked for it. The puzzles can usually be debated without necessarily being over-explicit. Just a request.........
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7th March 2020, 15:53
I have a full grid, five sets, two clear instructions and find myself grid staring AGAIN!! I found the crossword as difficult as they come, but I often find the PDM very frustrating.
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7th March 2020, 16:00
Then I see it, and it all makes sense now - yippee!!
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7th March 2020, 16:07
Poster's curse, Gitto:-)
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7th March 2020, 16:12
Maybe so, but I often miss what is screaming out at me.
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8th March 2020, 09:50
Finding this one a bit of a tussle although I have filled 80% of the grid and identified some of the groups. I'm wondering if I've messed up with a couple of entries. ie which clue passes through the space under 4? I think I have the answer to 62-59 but not clear on parsing so a gentle hint for 62-57 might help. Similarly both 42s - I think I see the wordplay for 42-46 but can't identify a suitable prince.
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8th March 2020, 10:07
think Narnia for the prince ..i expect you have the answer
62-57c4 letter synonym for mix up (not mess) with the usual 3 letter beer inside...order of bananas is the defn
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8th March 2020, 10:09
36-21 passes under 4
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8th March 2020, 10:19
Hi granama. This was indeed a major tussle. I’ve just completed the grid fill... talk about tough clueing! It took me a good 10 minutes to identify which answer went through the cell under 4.... it’s (36-21)

For 42-26 I was initially trying to anagram two words with various bits removed. Only one is anagrammed (with a bit removed) plus a synonym for the other inside. The answer is thematic which might help you with the prince.

For 62-57, have you looked up the various words of the clue in Mrs Bradford’s? The definition of one of the synonyms is further expanded in Chambers to include the word you want (ie it’s not listed separately). I looked at this about 10 times without seeing it!

Let me know if you need stronger hints.
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8th March 2020, 10:39
I only seem to be able to link the final highlighting to three of the groups. Also, they all (including the resolved ambiguity) go to the edge of the grid... except for one. Is this right?
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