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8th March 2020, 14:24
Thanks drxx, I hadn't thought of it as a verb but it is used similarly for the light version of the acronym so I should have. Also had 't' in mind but this same thing cropped up in a recent puzzle so, again, I should have.
Merentz at 10, my endgame looks the same as yours sounds and ditto, while some of the connections a la final instruction are clear, one or two are a bit puzzling.
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8th March 2020, 15:07
The penultimate sentence of the preamble puzzles me too. I can see thematic connections but not synonyms. Fortunately the puzzle's endgame doesn't depend on it.
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8th March 2020, 15:34
My last unknown is 58-47 - tips please. Also, pease can someone assist with parsing 42-51 and 55-61.

I can see three categories of items, but not sure about the other two- I may come back!
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8th March 2020, 15:47
Hi, dylan,

58-47: definition is last two words of clue.

42-51: this is an “& lit.” clue. A three-letter “receptacle” and a colloquial word for a household pet, without the last letter, surround the usual abbreviation for “over”. The whole word is a type of receptacle.

55-61: the definition is the last word (as a verb). A three-letter word that can mean “trim control” surrounds a three-letter word that can mean “drone” in the sense of a sound, with the letter A removed.
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8th March 2020, 15:57
Very enjoyable work-out. Just one tiny query... Why were 21, 22, 23 etc not numbered 20, 21, 22 etc. As I can see no reason for the cell numbered 20 as it neither starts or ends a clue...Or have I missed something?
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8th March 2020, 16:08
Hi, crates,

Well spotted. I wonder whether the setter thought of giving 20-16 as well as or instead of 21-15 for the start and end of this answer. Both 15 and 21 are involved in other clues, as is 16, but not 20.
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8th March 2020, 16:31
Earlier post than usual in the cycle here, but I'm absolutely flummoxed about the top north end. Everything else seems ok, got three obvious groups, but can't figure out 1-2, 1-4 and 10-5 at all and it's bugging me.

Thought I'd figured out how the two longer ones up there fit in but either apparently not or I'm absolutely stumped.

Any pointers on those three much obliged, even if it may reveal a massive oversight :^)
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8th March 2020, 16:35
Hi - Yes wondered if that was the intention (as a few can work different ways). Having cold solved about three-quarters before entry I listed the start/finish of answers to help not getting muddled on entry - and '20' stood out like a 'sore thumb'...
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8th March 2020, 16:42
1-2 'rocket' the green stuff + a
1-4 'countenance' = the def (3 letters for 'droop' inside 3 letters 'compete').
10-5 a word for 'sharper' with the 1st two letters reversed = 'burning' (def).
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8th March 2020, 17:11
Make it seem so obvious, but my (13) was well off track (though fit nicely enough that I was convinced...).

Figured a fourth category and a possible fifth, time to move on to the end game.

Thank you!
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