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8th March 2020, 11:02
Thanks all. It seems I fell down a few rabbit holes! At one point I had the letter below 4 but rubbed it out trying to resolve something, then forgot where it came from! Too many moving parts! I was stuck on anagramming both words (reduced) in 42-46 and all I could make was Iverian (I'd even looked up the Chronicles of N). So, on we go....I may be back (:o)
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8th March 2020, 11:06
Also, can someone help me with the parsing of 18-32? Thanks in advance
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8th March 2020, 11:12
Merenz, in 18-32, 'interns' is a placement indicator.
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8th March 2020, 11:18
Doh! Thanks Mattrom. I was too focussed on ‘former’ being an indicator of obsolete
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8th March 2020, 11:41
A proper Listener, this. Apropos the plea at the beginning of the thread, I have been thinking for a while that explicit answers would be best encoded in a Caesar cipher. Anyone capable of finishing a Listener is more than capable of decoding one, even without knowing the shift, with one of the many online tools available, e.g. pressing Auto Solve on this one.

I imagine only savants would be able to see the answers at a glance, and it would ensure the fun is not spoiled for those who start late, or only come here for hints rather than full solutions. I'll get my coat . . .

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8th March 2020, 13:35
Really enjoying this puzzle. I've solved about two-thirds, but have little progress in the bottom third, and I think I have gone wrong somewhere around 32 (what clue fills in the letter between 32 and 46) and I cant fit Tintin's friend in beside 27-60 and 45-53.

And thanks for the Prince answer :)
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8th March 2020, 13:45
Laertes, just completed that bit. 29-51 passes through the space in question. That was my last one in. Meanwhile, can anyone help with parsing 63-65? It's clear what it must be and fits the definition perfectly but ?? I only know one type of microwave amplifier and I'm pretty sure I know the symbol for magetic flux density and can't really make either fit.
Have divined both strings so on with the end-game (I hope).
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8th March 2020, 13:47
Oh and Laertes, Tintins friend looks like a child's rocket ship.
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8th March 2020, 14:10
63-65 requires the 'i' and then the 4 letter verb form of the 'm' word (around the relevant symbol - not t='tesla', as i first thought).
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8th March 2020, 14:22
merenz - yes, one string ends before the edge.
one of the groups is a playful take on the theme (and the title) i think.
i used one group as a prefix for two others, and a suffix for two more (as suggested by the last line of the preamble).
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