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2nd March 2020, 11:56
An enjoyable puzzle although the endgame was a bit confusing.

Can someone help me parse 20 down
Lots of LA clubs insiders wearing spots (5)
Answer (I assume) spues with an extra letter "e"

Thanks to anyone who can assist.
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2nd March 2020, 12:12
It’s slues, williamseal. US informal slang for lots, se(e)s around lu, being the inside letters of club. Note the apostrophe in club’s insiders
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2nd March 2020, 12:37
Thanks quisling - no wonder I was puzzled
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2nd March 2020, 14:07
Got held up by the highlighting for a while (I was in turasts boat looking for words), but got there in the end.

Two loose ends for me, both with thematic clues.

I can only make 31 work if 'uc' means capital, which I suspect it doesn't?
Can't make head or tail of 40, not helped by there apparently being several versions of this person.

Also still have no idea in title, despite earlier hints on the thread. Could anyone be a bit less cryptic?

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2nd March 2020, 14:23
Have now checked UC and figured out the title - as usual inspiration hits just after you post. Just an explanation of 40 outstanding.
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2nd March 2020, 14:24
Put the first two words of 40 into this, smellyharry
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2nd March 2020, 15:02
Aha, thanks. I was fixated on rocking being the anagramiser.
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2nd March 2020, 16:43
A bit late to the party on this one, but can anyone hint towards the parsing for 1ac? I have the answer, just can't see the wordplay.
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2nd March 2020, 17:03
hawk56, replace the middle letter (abbreviation of America) of a verb meaning to “people” with the abbreviation for Hawaii, to give a word meaning “stop”. H the extra letter
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2nd March 2020, 17:05
In the sense of 'to people' Changing A to HI (Less 1 H)
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