15a - he's recalled ie backwards + a usual letter for recipe + I (one) making a morning meal according to Chambers. One letter then removed.
Meanwhile, I'm still battling the NW corner - hints and tips welcome for 12a. I suspect it's 4,3?
Dylan @ 1, I don't think anyone commented on 34a. I'm not certain, but if there's a B missing before the first word in the clue it works I think. Added confusion because the three letters around the bird are also a goddess.
Got there in the end having found the three words and knowing the creator without having completed the NW corner. Even had the second name highlighted having worked out the principle. Still don't understand odd bits like the first part of 2d - do the first three letters mean reviled?? 5a I see the 'write' part but 'bombarding partition?
Smellyharry, the first two and last two letters of your answer give an alternative word for the first word in the clue (once a letter is added). The middle part of your answer = flash, quick period of time.