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7th January 2020, 17:02
I've reached the point where I could submit the puzzle without understanding what I had achieved. Always very irritating. Basically I can't see how the title I have (which couldn't be anything else) 'justifies' the treatment of the across answers. It justifies the title of the puzzle, fair enough, but what was meant by one contributor saying 'the obvious 3 letters'? There were only two that had to be removed.
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7th January 2020, 17:15
Iona, I think the 'three' is because it was XXY in each set.
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7th January 2020, 17:37
So it was. I completely failed to spot that. Thank you for putting my mind at rest.
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7th January 2020, 19:03
Thanks, Iona. It's annoying if there's one little thing, any little thing, niggling away after completion!
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