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4th January 2020, 19:53
The P is wrong, novice.
21 of 44  -   Report This Post


4th January 2020, 19:55
...what have you got at 28d?
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4th January 2020, 19:55
Thanks just realised my error.

I was counting a checked letter- must look harder.
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4th January 2020, 20:02
Is it something to do with a work about the environment?
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4th January 2020, 20:04
That's the one.
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4th January 2020, 20:06
Liked that Nelson and realised I HAD heard of it before. I’ve come back to this now so here goes again....
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5th January 2020, 11:06
"(ac ross) answer lengths are given in ascending order, which is not necessarily that of the three entries or their clues"

Could some kind soul please help me make sense of that?
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5th January 2020, 11:44
The answer lengths are always in the same order:short, longer, longest.
(Each actual entry being one character less than the number given in each case.)
However, the three clues that are run together might be in any order: e.g. longer, short, longest.
Does that help?
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5th January 2020, 11:47
Bobby, it's not as complicated as it first appears. I might make a hash of this...

There are three clues A, B and C.

There are three given answer lengths 1,2 and 3.

There are three entries X, Y and Z.

Clue A could have answer length 1 and go at position X(or Y or Z)
Clue A could have answer length 2 and go at position X(or Y or Z)
Clue A could have answer length 3 and go at position X(or Y or Z).

Clue B...the same reasoning.
It's basically to make it harder for the solver I think - work out what constitutes the clue and then answer it without knowing the exact length.
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5th January 2020, 11:47
Very much so, Nelson. Thank you😀
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