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4th January 2020, 15:58
Please - are all the across entries real words? If so I need help with 12a - I have PRE?E (preeve/preve)
As I have 8a still to work out, Its not proving an easy task for me today.
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4th January 2020, 16:36
Hi jogamel - yes, they are. I asked myself the same question, and it was a lot easier once I realised they were.
And the preamble does say 'enter the resulting words'.
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4th January 2020, 16:52
It does say words, yes indeed. I have three quarters of the grid filled (happily) now but still need help with a few down clues please.
5d. Quivering in spider that’s left for dead (it had eight legs)(8)
9d. Flowers vanish, barely half-seen when coming up (6)
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4th January 2020, 16:53
Jogamel, 5 D is just an anagram - leading to a very odd word. Swap 'left' for 'dead' in 'in spider'...
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4th January 2020, 17:06
5 is a mythical animal from Norse mythology.
For 9, strip 'vanish' of its outside letters, then . . . .
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4th January 2020, 17:19
Thanks Malone. I did do that but couldn’t find a word. Now I know to pursue Norse,,.thank you all
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4th January 2020, 17:43
It's a norse 'orse.
(Believe me, I tried very hard to resist that!)
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4th January 2020, 18:45
I have a full grid but can’t see what word etc. can be formed and the 6 letters from down clues don’t seem to be of much help.

Is there anyone who can help me with the final step please?
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4th January 2020, 19:33
It starts with an S, novice.

I found it easier to anagram the letters from the down clues for the name (there are only 6 with unchecked letters at the outset).
If you use the name + the obvious 3 letters, you should get there.
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4th January 2020, 19:40
Thanks drxx

I have Capron as the 6 letters is that correct?
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