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1st January 2020, 15:21
Never mind - got it!
71 of 107  -   Report This Post


1st January 2020, 15:22
Good, quiz - and at least I tried!
72 of 107  -   Report This Post


1st January 2020, 15:22
Thanks, Malone - didn’t see you’d already replied.
73 of 107  -   Report This Post


1st January 2020, 15:24
Thanks, Quiz, I sometimes find that posting a query on here gives my brain the last little push to solve something myself!
74 of 107  -   Report This Post


1st January 2020, 16:02
A bit of a late shout - But having completed a few days ago see that I haven't crossed off 12A - I presumed for parse additional letters (1st word - would be an inhabitant ian or more likely ean) but can't find definition anywhere... or is that not the adjustment?
75 of 107  -   Report This Post


1st January 2020, 19:28
I think it's Spartacus (which doesn't really explain the " 's ".

But at least he was a Helot
76 of 107  -   Report This Post


1st January 2020, 19:50
Still struggling trying to fill the grid. I have a probable answer for 7d but I cannot understand why the statement of the clue is nonsense. I have 22d entry (the plant disease), but I haven’t been able to discover the term for Will’s suffusion. However, I am at a complete loss understanding or completing the entry for 34a. I have read the hints on the forum to no avail. I have as the last five letters of the entry ‘actor’. Any help would be much appreciated.
77 of 107  -   Report This Post


1st January 2020, 20:21
Hi, crates,

As woodlouse states, the answer to 12ac is HELOT. The second word of the clue needs to be treated to give a word that has a similar meaning in Athens as helot does in Sparta.
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1st January 2020, 20:32
Hi, Casanova,

I didn’t like the clue at 7dn. You need to read it as fourth letter of “thirteen”, etc to get a four-letter plant that Chambers defines as a type of sum***.

In 22dn, Will’s suffusion is a definition of the first three letters of the answer, confirmed in Chambers. The word “not” needs to be treated to give an equivalent for the last four letters of the answer.

In 34ac, the definition is “several works”, of the type you might find on an industrial estate. The last three letters are deleted before entry. The wordplay leads to ACTOR (performer), contained in a 3-letter word that can mean “eccentric”, followed by the first letter of “stage”.
79 of 107  -   Report This Post


1st January 2020, 20:54
Thank y you wintonian. That has proved very helpful
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