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28th December 2019, 13:25
Thanks for these. I now have twenty of each type, although how to divide these into four tens still eludes me. I don't get the wordplay to 7d and the use of 'measuring' to define the missing part of 38a strikes me as dubious.

But I am not closer to seeing what it going on. However, it will no doubt seems obvious to me in time.
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28th December 2019, 13:37
Now have wordplay for 7d. Ouch. Hope this does not catch on.
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28th December 2019, 14:57
In Chambers, 'measuring' is one of the definitions of 'of'; e.g. 'a man of 6 feet' so that is fair.

7d, on the other hand, does not seem fair...I get it, but I don't see how '/' means what is needed here.

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28th December 2019, 14:58
In Chambers, 'measuring' is one of the definitions of 'of'; e.g. 'a man of 6 feet' so that is fair.

7d, on the other hand, does not seem fair...I get it, but I don't see how '/' means what is needed here.

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28th December 2019, 15:17
Hi buzzb, I'm going back more years than I really care to remember but I recall school exam marks being given like 7/10 with the symbol being "out of".
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28th December 2019, 16:06
I spotted what was happening about halfway through, Pretty straightforward methods once the penny has dropped. Compare the lengths of the truncated entries, and apply the result to lengths of the treated words in clues.

I am frustratingly stuck on 23 across even though I know the method of entry, and pretty sure of the definition.
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28th December 2019, 16:15
Hi bobbycollins, 23a pi + (on + a) reversed.
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28th December 2019, 16:27
That was garbled. I should have said "compare the numbers of letters omitted from the truncated entries".
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28th December 2019, 16:33
Thanks, Ginge. That's a full grid.

Since I have no idea what the creature signifies I am clueless about the strands of the theme. Don't submit - I enjoy the solving a lot more than the end-games.Some can be fun but many are just daft - in my opinion, obviously!
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28th December 2019, 17:12
I have 19 of each sort and not a scooby as to what the theme is so far, but early days yet. I am stuck on 13d and 26a. If some kind soul could give me a nudge for either I'd be grateful, thanks.
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