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4th November 2019, 09:16
Thank you, Quisling😀 Now for the final push.

61 of 80  -   Report This Post


4th November 2019, 11:15
Delighted to have persevered with this. Many thanks for the nudges.
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4th November 2019, 11:57
Found this very painful. Enjoyable first three hours solving vast majority of clues, spotting quote, theme, several examples. Tortuous last three hours getting last 8 clues and last two examples. All entries jumbled should be outlawed in my humble opinion.

Don't understand the wordplay for 34, would appreciate an explanation.

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4th November 2019, 12:18
SH: half a tusk and shed makes an expression to pooh-pooh as in the tosh and piffle sense.
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4th November 2019, 12:21
It also makes sense as tush (a small tusk) + half of 'fallen off'.
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4th November 2019, 15:35
Granama1, just a belated apology for not responding quickly to your request for enlightenment re 9d, but a 24-hour power outage kept me offline. I see your query has already been answered anyway.
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4th November 2019, 15:54
Hi Murky, no worries...I got there in the end (:o) It's nice that people actually do help at all, never mind that responses aren't on demand! I remember asking for a hint on another forum and found out that they only post on it to tell each other that they've completed it. It's much better on here...I actually learn how to improve my solving.
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4th November 2019, 17:05
I really enjoyed this one. I was introduced to this author by my grandmother in my teens when I was ill in bed with tonsillitis, and thence I read as many of his books I could get hold of. Nice to have one I don’t need to research on the internet. There were some good films and television series of the books back in the day.
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5th November 2019, 08:28
Not a great fan of all jumbles but knowing the location of several letters and words appearing in the columns quite quickly made it a relatively quick and satisfying solve. Do I assume the title refers to the theme's 2 occupations or am I missing something obvious?...
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5th November 2019, 22:20
That’s my assumption crates, and/or that much of his output in one occupation drew on the other. I agree that the fixed letters and huuuuge thematic coverage (all but 37 cells are thematic) made this less frustrating than all-jumbles can sometimes be. I enjoyed it. I too have always found it amusing that the prize offered is the one thing one must surely already have in order to complete the puzzles! Hasn’t stopped me trying, though... :-)
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