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22nd October 2019, 16:03
Ah, makes sense why I couldn't see it then. Thanks as usual malone, until next week...
51 of 67  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2019, 16:05
You're welcome, wigwam. When I looked up ?????, the entry directed me straight to the other one - but maybe online searches aren't as simple?
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22nd October 2019, 16:10
Seems not, perhaps I should spring for a text copy of chambers instead of vainly trying to win one :^)
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22nd October 2019, 16:27
Wigwam, Christmas isn't too far away - so maybe a present to yourself?

PS Don't give up - I've won a few dictionaries, so perseverance can pay off!
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22nd October 2019, 16:39
Aye, think it'll be a letter to Santa.
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23rd October 2019, 09:11
I hope that some of you are still keeping an eye on the site because I have everything finished bar two clues, for which I have credible answers that clash. I hope that someone can help with;
11d "Opposed endless bass lines hotly and often" I think that the definition is "opposed" but the final letter clashes with 23a. Also I cannot parse this potential answer.
23a "Requisition jams, scrubbing round how much cupboards can hold" My answer does not seem to be in Chambers so I guess it is wrong. But since I have almost all of the letters, I am stuck for an alternative.
I hope that someone can help me out of this box!
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23rd October 2019, 09:49
11 D is what 'hotly' and 'often' are. 23 A definitely also ends in S. The 'cupboard' was given earlier, I think, so you need how much it/they could hold.
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23rd October 2019, 10:09
Thank you, Chips.
As always, obvious when you see the answer!
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23rd October 2019, 10:35
Glad I could help, Catkin.
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24th October 2019, 23:20
The ^above^ spam has been reported.
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