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30th September 2019, 17:16

The greatest Man..... just a triple definition. The answer means all three - greatest, Man U legend and also 'worst'.

International sailors … abbreviations for 'international', 'sailors' (in general) and 'over'. ('Gathering' indicates one of these is contained inside another).
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30th September 2019, 17:29
Life saving provided -> LIFE minus IF
'a particular' = a common article

Just about highest point = APE(x)
round = O
Earth = GE
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30th September 2019, 17:32
Thank you Malone
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30th September 2019, 17:59
Thank you buzzb
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30th September 2019, 18:20
Looked at the grid after the prompts from buzzb and Malone, and I had confused the positioning of the two final down clues, and I had mistakenly thought the clue about the river down under was six letters rather than five letters! The clue about the highest point lacks a separate definition which I find a little unfair
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30th September 2019, 20:33
Well, all done, geometry exercise too but have a couple of quibbles. 'Predicting the ascent of rocket with no latitude'. I can see that the latitude has gone from the rising rocket, but where is it suggested that the 'l' should then be stuck on the end?
'Band leader with curt experience....' While the soprano use is common, to have two individual letters as abbreviations seems a bit lazy. Every letter in the alphabet is an abbreviation of something, you could fill a whole grid like that.
Anyone else get sidetracked by 'apse' for 'Bottom point after prominent....'? At that point I was convinced that the setter was keen on single letter constructions. Also got delayed by using the plural of the common spelling for the first across clue but can only make sense of the correct one if goon is actually go on. And finally, I was looking for euclidean for the omitted letters for a while.
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30th September 2019, 21:04
The L at the end of the predicting clue is one of the omitted letters.

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30th September 2019, 21:15
Doh! You're right buzzb. For a while I had it as omitted from 'Process for swimming...' but when I corrected my answer I didn't change my note alongside the clue. (I had 'crawl' for a while but couldn't make 'raw' fit with 'old injury' convincingly although it can mean abraded skin etc).
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30th September 2019, 22:07
Haven't got it in front of me but I believe goon is bete as in stupid person.
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1st October 2019, 12:16
Coming very late this week. I have an almost complete grid, and that maths is fine (degree a long time ago, but geometry hasn't changed). However I'm stuck by the antepenultimate down. I have NOEL-, and I can parse the word play as "being without the letter before M", but where does the second E come from?
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