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28th September 2019, 07:57
...and may not. I haven't seen the puzzle yet, so have no idea of the difficulty level.
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28th September 2019, 09:06
Most for the grid fill was fairly easy, helped by the 11-letter across clues for positioning. However, I can't make sense of the down solution that finishes in the bottom left cell. The word play and the checked letters give me an answer, but it seems to have nothing to do with the definition in the clue.

Meanwhile, I have 6 letters of the theme word. I thought it was going to refer to an eminent mathematician, but not so sure now - and how would that relate to the title of the puzzle?

Not sure either about joining up the letters- the O's look promising but can't see what else.
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28th September 2019, 09:10

It's an acronym of a compass point surrounded by an American word for cut down. The 1st word of the clue is the definition.
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28th September 2019, 09:30
I forgot to say that 1 letter isn't clued in the word play.
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28th September 2019, 09:53
Sounds like a well may help
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28th September 2019, 12:01
Brilliant puzzle, but what was the point of the four unclued entries?
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28th September 2019, 13:09
I think that the letters of the unclued entries LONE TEPEE LEANS could be a description of one of the two simple shapes.
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28th September 2019, 13:48
That’s very ingenious, Wintonian!

I was in the same position as Dylan this morning, but Gitto got me over the gridfill line. I still had to struggle to get all the omitted letters, after which I had to work hard to get the precise locations required, calling on my knowledge of coordinate geometry which I rarely need now that I have retired from maths teaching and examining. I enjoyed it but can’t help feeling that the puzzle is unfair on solvers who are not mathematicians.
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28th September 2019, 14:01
Please help! I’ve filled the grid but cannot be sure of omitted letters. ?lu?er?ion is what I have. I guess the letter x cells join to make a triangle. What is the other one? Thanks
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28th September 2019, 14:29
Hi fgsltw,

You are nearly there. There isn’t an O in the omitted letters. There’s an omitted letter in the clue beginning “The dark”. You should have U followed by L.

For the other shape, thing about what the words in the preamble “the centre of the other letter’s shape” might imply.
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