I thought this was a fantastic puzzle and am pleased that my self imposed rule of not looking at this site until I’m done, remains unbroken. However, I do accept the endgame would’ve been something of a challenge to the non-mathematically minded.
I didn’t spot the Os initially, rather I discovered them having drawn the triangle on tracing paper, then used compasses and ruler to construct the circumcentre, orthocentre and the feet of the altitudes... the centre of the 9 point circle I found with a bit of trial and error. When I laid this over the grid I spotted the Os. My triangle’s base does indeed appear tangential to the circle but I appreciate this might not be the case if it was drawn on a larger scale and with super accuracy.
I note that some folk have mentioned drawing the line going through one square above the centre of the circle but this surely isn’t right? I can see why it’s appealing as it’d mean the line goes through the centre of the squares of the name. But then it misses the centre of the 9 point circle which, by definition, must also be on the line. And whilst the de Longchamps clue was a clever link to the theme, I don’t think it’s pertinent to the final construction.
It’d be reassuring to hear that the distance between my parallel lines is hopefully the same as others. I have it at 2.3cm