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23rd June 2019, 09:05
thanks, but I must be doing something stupid! The first word must begin A or B and letter 3 can only be H - is that correct?
11 of 46  -   Report This Post


23rd June 2019, 09:06
Sorry. I'm being obtuse. So , it's the same set of 3 letters? The rubric suggests otherwise.
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23rd June 2019, 09:09 states 'each' twice in the preamble tonynannini, so I think the preamble is correct.
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23rd June 2019, 09:13
don - the H isn't one of the 30 clues (or the NE before it).
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23rd June 2019, 09:21
i was being stupid! never bothered to count and just omitted the 2 long ones !!
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23rd June 2019, 09:30
don - As you can see from my previous answer, I'd made the same mistake of including the NE and H at one point.
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23rd June 2019, 09:46
Many thanks drxx. All done. I assume the 2 word phrase is a mathematical representation of the number ?
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23rd June 2019, 09:59
Yes, but I can think of a couple of ways to represent it in the grid - I've gone with what I think is the neater option.
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23rd June 2019, 16:14
I'm also struggling with the message - not helped by the fact that one of the three omitted letters starts two of the clues. I have a full grid having filled the four clashes with the same digits and am wondering if it's worth persevering with this?
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23rd June 2019, 17:49
bobbycollins - The endgame is quite obvious but you need the two instructions to get there.
The clues that start with the same dropped letter help to narrow it down a bit (there's only one possible letter from these) in the first instance that letter starts a 3 letter word, in the second it's the 2nd letter of a 4 letter word.
I enjoyed the puzzle.
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