(Please try not to laugh too much at this cautionary tale – I feel bad enough as it is.)
As is my usual practice, before starting this puzzle I neatly cut it out of the newspaper and photocopied it.
I found the theme fairly straightforward and most of the clues weren’t too difficult. The very big problem was where to enter the solutions to 6, 10, 12 across and 1,2,3,5 9 down.
These lights weren’t numbered in my grid and there weren’t enough cells to accommodate them. As you can imagine this made it quite challenging – and definitely a contender for toughest puzzle of the year.
What bothered me though was that no one on here seemed to think this unusual aspect was worth a single comment.
Now, I’ve just found out that when copying the original I managed to crop off the top two rows.
( I said don't laugh!)