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25th October 2019, 10:56

I had a lovely meat and potato pie on the East Lancs Railway yesterday. I had never been to your part of Lancashire before, but I was impressed with the area and the small towns we visited.


I loved "bedchamber" in the TImes yesterday, after recent discussions, and I hope you enjoyed the cricket clue today.
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25th October 2019, 11:17

I hadn't seen the full 'cricketness' of that clue - I stuck in the answer and assumed the 'on' was the 'leg'. It's only now, having had a second look, that I see the fuller reference. I did notice a CC earlier in the week and assumed that that was Cricket Club. I wondered - only briefly, it wasn't important - if 'ump' (involved in another of today's answers) was also a cricket term, or was used in lots of sports. I've never seen or heard it used, but that means very little as I avoid many sports.

Yes, I liked the appearance of 'bedchamber' - and it still looks a rather old, anachronistic word (immediately conjuring up pictures of Henry VIII, say).

Glad you enjoyed your pie yesterday. I've always wanted to try a meat and potato pie, but the ones I saw were in shortcrust pastry, and I prefer puff pastry.
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25th October 2019, 13:39

Thanks - yes it did not register that there were 2 cricket clues today. I liked the "onside" for leg. Ump is occasionally used in cricket as a friendly greeting to an umpire. I dont know if it is used in tennis. I prefer to use ump as in "getting the 'ump". Yes CC was the cricket club in C Clef yesterday.

I am afraid I dont know one type of pastry from another.
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25th October 2019, 13:43
I wandered into this by mistake...… but no.... the "cc" in C-clef came from "small volume".
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25th October 2019, 13:46

I have never been on that railway, but have heard that he catering is excellent. Yes some of those towns are delightful. Ramsbottom was recently in the top 5 places to live in the UK in a survey.

Glad you enjoyed the pie. I enjoyed the "pi" clue in Times yesterday.
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25th October 2019, 13:49

Thanks for that. I saw C Clef at once but did not parse it correctly.
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25th October 2019, 13:54

The railway is well worth a visit. It was busy with lots of children dressed as witches and there were some organised activities for them. Rather early for Halloween, but I suppose it was half-term in Lancs.
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25th October 2019, 15:31

You picked the wrong 'earlier in the week' clue! It was on Wednesday - Brilliant rescue dog detailed to enter cricket club (7).

I swept past the cricket stuff, I was busy musing over 'detailed'. I used to think it was clever, now I think it's in danger of being over-used.

'Ump' seems a very ungainly, inelegant word. I've never heard it used in relation to tennis, thank goodness.

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25th October 2019, 16:45

yes it is half-term here and Halloween next Thurs. That reminds me of your story on another thread last year about witches and clock biscuits. I hope something happens this year too, although I cant stand this trick or treat stuff.
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25th October 2019, 16:55

Yes thanks - I got my "CC"s mixed up. I might try to make a sentence with as many different "CC" as possible. By the way on my "PC" one, I have moved from 8 to 9 after hearing a new one used on an American police programme. I agree ump is inelegant, so probably why it is not used often. Unlike "ref" for referee, which is very common.

I am ready for all visitors on Halloween. I have bought loads of sweets to avoid any possible "trick". If anything happens, I will let you know.

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