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17th October 2019, 18:25
"296" was an unintentional anagram (well, that's my excuse for poor hand/eye/brain co-ordination).
931 of 2514  -   Report This Post


17th October 2019, 19:16
ChrisE and Nemo, thanks - I am so used to obeying written instructions, seeing clue numbers etc, I went straight off to look up post 296! I didn't notice the updated information until now. I'll have a proper read of 629 (!) now...
932 of 2514  -   Report This Post


17th October 2019, 19:21
I'll give it a go, Nemo.

Time flies? You cannot.They fly too fast!
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17th October 2019, 19:27
Nice, Skyewalker.

Thanks, Nemo.
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17th October 2019, 22:10

Have a gold star. Very quick solution!
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18th October 2019, 09:13
Thanks, Malone and Nemo. I can remember when I was at primary school, (yes, my memory is that good), we were given examples of sentences the meaning of which could be changed depending upon how they were punctuated. This was to show us the importance of punctuation. Of course, these days children think punctuation was a type of music that became popular in the 70s. One such example sentence was

John said teacher is a fool

That one has two obvious alternatives. I think we were shown some with 3, or possibly more, different possible choices for the punctuation. What were they? My aforementioned memory is, however, not as good as I thought.
936 of 2514  -   Report This Post


18th October 2019, 10:05
I love my parents, Kylie Minogue and Kermit the Frog.

Let us eat children

We saw the house coming to the top of the hill

A woman without her man is nothing. (A woman, without her man, is nothing - A woman: without her, man is nothing.)
937 of 2514  -   Report This Post


18th October 2019, 12:38

Yes I would love to take you for a Fish (once-cooked) and Chips (multi-cooked) meal, or beans-on-toast if you prefer.

Inspired by the postings of you and Grunger, I thought I would cook myself a spendid meal last night. I opened a tin of Fray Bentos "Steak in Gravy Pie" and put it in the oven with some frozen chips. it was hard to tell which was the worst, probably the chips. The "pie" was meat and gravy with a crust put on the top.

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18th October 2019, 12:41
Nemo and Skyewalker

Thanks for your postings on punctuation. Generally ignored nowadays leading to a lot of rubbish in the press.

939 of 2514  -   Report This Post


18th October 2019, 16:22

Thank you for the meal invitation. I might take you up on it one day.

I sometimes look back with fondness on foods from my childhood - but there was never a point where Fray Bentos pies were considered a treat. I always thought they were disgusting - that slimy flabby uncooked pastry when you opened the tin, the lumps of … globby meat underneath. I'm shivering, with revulsion, just thinking about them.

I have no objections to a 'pie' having pastry only on the top ... if it's a steak pie. That is a traditional Scottish dish, an iconic one at that - and it'd be a travesty to introduce pastry to its nether regions. You'll be pleased to hear that I expect all other pies to be properly attired.
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