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20th May 2019, 23:17
My comment was meant to be in reply to one Hannah made (no.201 on page 21!) but I thought the forum would automatically include the quote and it didn't making it look a bit random.
My only authority was a book called Eats Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss (some of you may remember it).
561 of 2514  -   Report This Post


22nd May 2019, 09:48
I know she is in the Cabinet but I have not read any of her books
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22nd May 2019, 22:07
Are PU members familiar with the BBC Radio 4 programme The Unbelievable Truth? If not, the premise is that each person in turn reads out a lecture containing precisely five truths - everything else is a lie. The others must try to identify those truths. Now read on ...

If you are able to access series 21 episode 5, the 8-minute lecture on 'nuts' by Richard Osman is hilarious - it's amazing how many 'nuts' aren't. This pedant found it to be very enjoyable and instructive!

I can't access it via the BBC website - presumably it's past its listen-again date.
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23rd May 2019, 00:56
"Gifting" as a verb really annoys me, for example in this week's Sunday Times;
"Jay-Z gifted Beyonce dragon eggs, allegedly".
What's wrong with gave? Is gifting something somehow better than giving it?
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23rd May 2019, 04:05
Hi Steve,

If you (or anyone else) still want "The Unbelievable Truth" Series 21 episode 5, just let me know and I'll email it you as a One Drive attachment.
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23rd May 2019, 15:41
Seems that any word or phrase can become a verb nowadays ... I`ve just read about an athlete ` pb-ing`... sounds vaguely Oriental !

No doubt she`ll `podium` soon.
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23rd May 2019, 21:36
Brendan - That's very kind of you. I'm ok, as I recorded it when broadcast, but others could take up your offer.
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24th May 2019, 07:32
Tyke51, re the 'verbing' (!) of words... On 'Mock The Week' last night, I heard 'milkshaked'. It was, of course, in relation to Nigel Farage.
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24th May 2019, 11:00

So glad you are back - hope the holiday went well and that you were not troubled by apostrophes etc. I trust that you were not milkshook, which I believe is the correct word, although I have no idea what it means.

The BBC offered me tomorrow night for the re-arranged show which I accepted. I hope you can make it. All the supporting acts and audience are in place and Grunger is hoping to come too.
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24th May 2019, 15:10

I had a great, very relaxing holiday. I decided that I should do something different, so gave nary a thought to all things pedantic - no apostrophe's (!), no hanging participles, no solecisms of any kind. A change is as good as a rest - and my loins are now well and truly girded for being vigilant in everyday life.

I met some wonderful people on my island-hopping - Archie Pelago, Andy Mann and Nico Barr, Islay Whyte and Iona Eyeland, to name but a few.

Thank you for finalising a new date for our show. As I have only just returned, I fear my contribution to the event may be on the meagre side. Still, Grunger's pies may revitalise me.
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