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27th January 2019, 20:04
Thanks Malone and especially Spoffy. Amazingly I know this particular area quite well and have been in both landmarks, but it took Wiki to concentrate my mind !
Thanks again
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27th January 2019, 21:33
Glad you got there (not literally this weekend), Marca. I enjoyed the very last step, without Wiki, so tried to nudge gently!
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28th January 2019, 07:45
Spoffy, thanks very much for directing us to Wikipedia. i spent ages trawling through various tourist pages on the location and found nothing of help except possibly a church, which could have been revealed by changes to row 5.

I agree with malone that it's a bit of a stretch to call one of the items a landmark. I also think it's unreasonable to have doubly hidden items without giving solvers additional information, such as length, or symmetrical relationship, or the fact that they occupy two pairs of entries.

Finally, where is ANDY LEMON? Perhaps I have a wrong entry, but all I can see is ANDCY LEMON. Doesn't seem very satisfactory to me, but if I have screwed up on my grid then apologies to the setter.
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28th January 2019, 11:18
murky - I'm in complete agreement with you - and I've also searched for another name (one with at least six possible aliases!).
I could add - where in the finished grid is the larger or smaller of the locations with the same name, and why is either of them a suitable location for captivity in the first place?

malone - I could only get one of the 'landmarks' your way, I wish I'd added 'wiki' to my search after that (it would have saved me a lot of time).

It's a thriller, I can't wait for the denouement (hopefully, someone will already have the answers).
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28th January 2019, 11:39
I think I've found him under one of his aliases (cryptically indicated) and it's the only instance of this letter within the confines of the two 'landmarks'.
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28th January 2019, 12:06
It might resolve some of the loose ends - 'renowned setter' and 'lonely captivity' in the preamble, together with the title, and the phrase beneath the grid.
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28th January 2019, 12:11
...or rather, the name - not the title.
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28th January 2019, 13:23
Can I have a hint for 13a, Sweetheart once again taken in by a term of endearment (6).
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28th January 2019, 13:52
Lumen, the first two words form the definition for an old word. There's a four-letter word for 'again' in the middle of the answer. Parsing isn't my strong point, I don't know how the rest works!
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28th January 2019, 13:53
The word meaning 'again' is contained by the letter A and the last letter ('term') of 'endearment'.
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