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31st January 2019, 21:56
Hello, all. I'm fairly new to the Listener and its my first time here. I came to this one late and I can't get the 24 and 18 intersection to work. Hints for those two would be most welcome if anyone is still out there.

Many thanks.
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31st January 2019, 22:22
Hi, Icarus, and welcome,

The answer to the clue for 24ac has to be put into the grid as 18dn, and vice versa.

The clue to 24ac is defined by “insect breeder”. API is a type of computer interface, and ARIST is half of “aristocrat”, one of the best kind.

The clue to 18dn is defined by “cantered around for New York crowd”, implying an American spelling. “United” leads to TIED, which is round PUTT reversed.

Sorry if this is too much of a hint.
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31st January 2019, 23:04
Thank you very much for your insight, Wintonian. I had finally completed the grid before checking back in but I had not parsed the the insect breeder, so your assistance was still very much appreciated.

I thought this was a much cleverer construction than some have given credit for, but admittedly a bit of a slog. I'd never have got anywhere without this thread.

Let's see what tomorrow brings!

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1st February 2019, 21:24
Just come back to see if there was anything further to this and still wonder what I must have missed. What is clever construction about making a grid, throwing in some extra words to some of the clues and moving the others around? I must be missing something....
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2nd February 2019, 04:09
If any other poor sod can't sleep I'd be grateful for any help finishing this grid before a new one arrives later. 14 and 16 across, 4 and 30 down. Hopefully I'll be able to fill in the remaining answers I don't yet have. This really has been a massive slog!
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2nd February 2019, 05:30
Am slowly getting there very slowly but still not quite at the final furlong. 14 and 17 across would be incredibly helpful: 14 so I can polish off the NE corner, and 17 because I haven't any idea!
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2nd February 2019, 08:00
Bazotto - 14 is GIMME HAT and 17 RORT. Good luck!
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