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26th January 2019, 18:51
Need pdm.

How is change of place determined is not clear.
10 letter words should be easy to figure out.
If there is an extra word, then it stays in place. If no extra word then it moves. But 1a could go to 10d or 13d.

Must solve a few more clues before it becomes clear.
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26th January 2019, 19:15
Sunray, think what happens to the unusual word in the first type of clue. It isn’t completely removed from the clue......
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26th January 2019, 21:45
Thanks unclued.
Taking a pause but will get back to it later.
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26th January 2019, 22:09
I seem to have made a bit of progress and think I’ve sorted out the preamble, although there wasn’t the usual pleasing chime with the pdm. The SW corner has slotted in nicely and I think there can be only one possibility for the 10s. But I’m now foxed by where to put my solution to 7dn. It won’t go anywhere. I wonder if I have to split it in to two? Or perhaps start again with a fresh grid. Oh joy!
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26th January 2019, 22:18
Merenz - 7d was explained earlier and try putting it in 29a.
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26th January 2019, 22:36
I don't understand the comments about getting the wrong sort of "fella". I can only find one sort and that is a form of "fellow".
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26th January 2019, 23:08
If it's the one beginning with 'C' orson, he's not the one you need for the wordplay - add the preceding word to get the correct synonym.
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26th January 2019, 23:35
Thanks, drxx, I'll pursue that. I had taken it to mean that there was another meaning to the word "fella" than a man.
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27th January 2019, 01:36
I’m still away from home so have only started this one a few hours ago. I’ve now twigged the preamble but the grid fill still seems like an uphill slog. I’ve a long haul flight coming up so I think I’ll save it for then when I’ll have nothing better to do!

Thanks for the helpful hints so far.
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27th January 2019, 08:06
I experienced the same as most others, I imagine. I was on the point of giving up after hours of solving, when the first penny dropped, enabling me to see how to correctly parse answers that I already had. The second penny dropped a little later, allowing me to trot to the finish. The wordplay to one answer still eludes me. I had the wrong answer until the very end.

I don't see the need for 'Scottish' in 10d. It's not wrong, but it's not necessary, and just adds one more fiddly element to the chaos.

Most Listener puzzles take a lot longer for the setter to compile than for the solver to solve. In this case the setting time might well have been less than the solving time. The grid is a stock one from Sympathy, the crossword construction program, and autofill would have filled it in seconds. Maybe a few minutes more to get in some preferred entries. The clue-writing would have taken a few hours, of course, and the clues do have some nice surface readings.
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