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27th January 2019, 09:02
I think I am all done but for 11 appreciated.
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27th January 2019, 09:12
Do you mean 11 clue or 11 entry.
The entry is a rather small city in France. Word for fire containing a word for miscalculate and a u. Clue 22.
The clue leads to the entry in 22. The definition is a possible description for birds.
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27th January 2019, 09:29
...or a specific word for a woodpecker.
Agree with murky about the setting. Just a matter of changing some clue entry numbers and moving a few words in clues. No real end game. A bit disappointing.
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27th January 2019, 12:33
Having felt really pleased with myself that I solved last Saturday's Listener unaided I am not enjoying this one at all, despite the helpful hints - thank you everyone. The pdm hasn't occurred and, by all accounts, the engame seems not to be worth the trouble.
I take my hat off to the clever contributors who take the trouble to help others.
Oh, and I'm not a robot lol.
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27th January 2019, 13:27
Thanks smartie. I’d followed the earlier thread on 7d which had helped me to reach the 8 letter word. I don’t really see how the clue leads you to remove the first four letters (“With” seems a necessary requirement in the clue to me). But I suppose I’ll just have to accept it.

I’ve had a long pause (a 9 mile walk) so my grid still looks rather bare. I’ll keep plodding on.
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27th January 2019, 13:44
merenz - I think you're taking 'Once' as an indicator for the archaism (which it should have, of course, but setters often ignore this requirement). In this instance I think 'Once' is replacing your suggested addition.
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27th January 2019, 13:46
I don't even know what "pushes the limits of fairness" is meant to mean, but it does sound a rather childish notion that clues are to be judged 'fair' or 'unfair'. The universe is a compassionless place, there is no consideration of 'fairness'. It is not a recognised entity.

As for the claim that the puzzle took less time to set than to solve...what tosh...perhaps the claimant should try setting...

Gazzar, half the clues involve a change of position of one word, the entries for the other half need to be reciprocally placed in different entries.

A solution will shortly be available at the usual place.
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27th January 2019, 14:00
meursault - Fairness is a concept I admire. I'll wait for a higher power or a better philosopher to wean me off it. Unless you are both, of course.
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27th January 2019, 14:19
Drxx, I'm glad that most of the clues I've dealt with over the years have been 'fair', but that wasn't/isn't always the case.
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27th January 2019, 14:27
I'm glad you're aware of the mysterious entity too malone .
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