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22nd January 2019, 00:14
There's a clear majority in favour of A/P unclued (which was your first choice) you should stick with it.
Looks like I've muddied the waters... again!
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23rd January 2019, 05:33
31d. At church sacred word stops local disease (6)

I'm pretty sure I've got this right ( In Ce around Om) but just can't see what the definition is - help appreciated.
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23rd January 2019, 06:28
The definition is the last two words. It's in Chambers, as a '...a disease without known cause, Scot and N. Eng dialect).'
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23rd January 2019, 06:44
Excellent, many thanks Malone.
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23rd January 2019, 07:02
Glad I could help, Brendan. I hadn't done the puzzle, but your post had me checking Chambers - I like any excuse to do that!

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23rd January 2019, 07:22
I'm a bit annoyed at myself, to be honest Malone. I've got the phone app version of both Chambers dictionary and thesaurus, but only looked up 'Income' on the Free Online Dictionary. When you told me it was in Chambers I checked and.....lo and behold, there it was!

I just finished the crossword about 10 minutes ago, there's a few I can't parse but I've managed to do all the shading etc so pretty pleased. It's amazing how the setter managed to construct this - not only are all the US states in the grid (minus one, but that's intentional), but they're all in their relative geographical positions.
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23rd January 2019, 07:26
I have filled the grid and have seen the significance of DCLX, but I cannot get anything meaningful for the instruction. The preamble gives meaningful words for the S answers but the rest of the alphabetically arranged answers yields nothing intelligible. Any help would be much appreciated
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23rd January 2019, 07:29
Brendan, I can understand your annoyance - having only yourself to blame! - but we've all been there at times. I'm glad you finished and enjoyed the puzzle. There was a recent Inquisitor, 'Go West...' on the same theme.That one featured the most amazing grid construction I've ever seen in a crossword.
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23rd January 2019, 07:33
Casanova. Have you put the s across answers in alphabetical order and then taken the first letter of their clues?
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23rd January 2019, 07:36
Hi Casanova, the way I read it is that, you take the second letter of all the across answers that begin with S and arrange them alphabetically (there should be 7 in total). That gives you SA, SC. SE etc., then take the first letter of the clue itself and it will spell out a word beginning with SEAB... What I did then was look at a map of North and South America. As Canada is to the north and Mexico to south west (the D and X of the replacement letters), you should be able to work out which bits need shading.
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