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20th January 2019, 18:36
6d: A two-letter abbr. for detective inside a 3-letter word for clear (in the sense of profit) = an obscure computer science word

52a: Rice is a surname. The queen is the subject of a current movie likely to get the Best Actress Oscar
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20th January 2019, 18:49
Many thanks. Is 6d hiding in Chambers?
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20th January 2019, 22:05
Can anyone help with 57a please. I have everything except this
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20th January 2019, 22:18
Rob - A is acting followed by a common word for men’s toilets!
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20th January 2019, 22:23
I am struggling with the shading round “HI” in the SW corner.
I assume the O to the right is shaded but am I right in having edges to the right and above HI but NOT above the O. The phrase “bounded internally” is the problem. I can’t get my two totals to agree.

Any help much appreciated!
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20th January 2019, 22:29
Thanks unclued - carelessly had GE instead of GA
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20th January 2019, 23:03
Include - I take bounded internally to mean the edges between shaded and not shaded within the grid but not between shaded and the edge of the grid. Agree that HI is bounded above and to the right. O is bounded to the left with HI and to the right with M (start of a framing item) but not above.
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20th January 2019, 23:04
Sorry I meant “Unclued”. Auto corrected by Apple.
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21st January 2019, 02:55
Hello, if there’s anyone still there. I started this one late and am a bit stuck in the NE corner. A nudge for 10 a or dn would be greatly appreciated.
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21st January 2019, 03:07
Hi Planks, I can't normally do the Listener but, that said, I think 10a is:-

a 5 letter word for a 'Riddle' (think 'Strainer') around the usual abbreviations for 100 and Rupees. It's a Scots word (Euan) for 'Describe'.
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