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19th January 2019, 22:09'll already have two known items directly below the framing item - the missing one follows immediately.
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20th January 2019, 08:16
Gosh. This is really clever. Struggling with the last 5% so came for help. The hint for 8 down leading to the theme suddenly becoming obvious certainly helped fill the gaps and understand the S based instruction. Thanks as ever.
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20th January 2019, 12:06
Full grid but unhappy with 40 down. I have an entry meaning "women's area", with a clash at the second letter, but can't justify the definition.
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20th January 2019, 12:27
bobbycollins - definition is in the latest Chambers, but not on the cdrom. Think also of the terrorist group in Nigeria - Boka (?) and what their name means.
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20th January 2019, 12:28
40d is forbidden under Islamic law.

I think you may have an e where the second a should be.
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20th January 2019, 12:49
Cheers for that. My own daft fault since I tend to rely on my old Chambers CD-ROM. Just checked my hard copy 12th edition which does indeed give the definition!!

I had two As otherwise 55 across wouldn't work.
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20th January 2019, 15:59
For 40d: I don't think that BANNED is a valid definition. The word means FORBIDDEN in the sense of something so sacred that commoners are FORBIDDEN to touch or enter - analogous to the Forbidden City in Beijing.

29a is flawed in that the wordplay needs an 'in' to be valid.

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20th January 2019, 18:26
Sorry, buzzb, but you are wrong. The answer is the opposite of "halal" - the one meaning "permitted", the other "banned". Your objection would be more suited if you had made a slight mistake in your answer, resulting in a more familiar word, but making 55a incorrect
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20th January 2019, 18:31
Shrouded in mystery: 6d and 52a.... Any help?
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20th January 2019, 18:33
OK, I appreciate being corrected.

But I'm right about 29a!
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