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19th January 2019, 19:44
Thanks Drxx. Very helpful. I now have the initials in the right order, framing items and have the shaded area. But still stuck on a few clues. 1a, 8d, 9 d. Thanks.
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19th January 2019, 19:55
For 1a Think of NZ club and a site where Jesus was.
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19th January 2019, 20:23
8 - The places are key thematic cities - remove the 't' and 'l'.
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19th January 2019, 20:24
9 Is just 'A' followed by a corded fabric.
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19th January 2019, 20:26
...perhaps 'woven' rather than corded?
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19th January 2019, 20:32 you've leapt ahead with the framing items, you could have a problem with the opening letter of one of those down clues!
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19th January 2019, 20:53
Thank you thank you! Oddly although I’ve found the shaded area, I still haven’t found the instruction to do so! Also the missing item? Is it - ?
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19th January 2019, 21:15
fgsltw - you must have all of the answers beginning with S. Once you've put them in order look at the first letters in each of their clues (the first 3 letters of the first answer are SAC... and the first letter of its clue is S - the second answer starts SCR... - its clue starts E, and so on).

I'm trying to think of a way of hinting at the missing one!
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19th January 2019, 21:21
...It comes just below the end of one of the framing items.
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19th January 2019, 21:57
Thanks. Got the instruction now but not the missing item.
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