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13th January 2019, 23:12
Completed except for radial 12 which I know contains three T's. However I have counted 19 inwards starting at a non-perimeter ring so I think I have to capitulate on this one.
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13th January 2019, 23:46
uncle_w - 12 starts from the perimeter with the abbreviation for gold followed by O(n) A(ccount) with IS 'after' and M in 4th place (minus 3xT).

Have you found your erroneous 19th yet?
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13th January 2019, 23:50
...sorry, chemical symbol for gold.
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14th January 2019, 00:09
Thanks drxx I for your valuable help. I now have the answer which in turn alters my answer for Radial 11. The answer to that will I believe reduce my 19 to 18 if it is outward from the innermost ring.
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14th January 2019, 00:11
...looks promising uncle_w.
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14th January 2019, 00:14
drxx promising indeed as I now have radial 11. Thanks again.
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14th January 2019, 00:26
Good morning, as I’m still away from home I’ve made a late start on this one. I’m almost all done. Any nudge or hint for radials 13 or 14 would be appreciated. I haven’t read the whole thread so apologies if this had already been covered.
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14th January 2019, 01:53
Planks,, the definition for 13 is the first two words. The rest is a charade with 'remains' being the usual two letters often clued thus. 'Hollow' is a word beginning C. The third letter of the answer is omitted.

In 14 'are' is that old crossword chestnut of a land measure, abbreviated to A. That's followed by most of a word meaning animals that are hunted, then the plural of an abbreviation. The penultimate letter of the answer is omitted.
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14th January 2019, 02:30
Thanks murky.
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14th January 2019, 03:44
I have about 5 more than I had a few hours ago.

still not done, Rad 19, 20, 21, 24, 30.

Hints on 19, 21, 24 and 30.
I can provide the clues if needed.
Please give me defs where they are not clear.

For example, I though Migratory was the def until I concluded that it was migratory birds.
Colossal waste of two hours.

Thanks in advance.
(will check in London afternoon time)
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