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13th January 2019, 19:01
Thanks sunray and drxx. I am on the right track!
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13th January 2019, 19:07
meursault - I was dealing specifically with the discussion we had weeks ago, and your claim to be working within the limits of what was considered acceptable. I think you've failed to keep to the spirit of that discussion.

I don't want to revisit the wider debate.
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13th January 2019, 21:01
I’ve finally got radials 1 and 2, and they were pretty easy clues. Unfortunately radial 3 can be entered in two ways and I had chosen the wrong one.Consequently I had the wrong two letters in rings 6 and 7 and hence my efforts to solve radials 1 and 2 proved fruitless.
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13th January 2019, 22:13
Drxx, The errors I refer to are ones you made today. There is no difference between giving details of a facebook account or an e-mail address. It's a pity that the site is clogged with objection, when really the intention is only to give help. A great pity, and there are times I'm sure when many including myself are put off from coming onto the forum to give help due to the vocal (I'm sure a minority) who see it as their duty to regulate the way in which help should be given.

Perhaps you would do well to look at the evidence. Take an hour or so and look back through the Listener threads for a few weeks, months, years...and try to see for yourself that actually people have been quite happy for me to help them. Only a few curmudgeons haven't.

But then maybe you don't have the time...but still wish to give me the benefit of your opinion anyway. And why in that case do you think I should listen to you ?
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13th January 2019, 22:16
Hi Casanova, radial 3 is contester (lacking the Es). Inward from ring 2.
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13th January 2019, 22:35
It's clear to me that casanova had already worked out how to enter radial 3 meursault.

I've been viewing Listener threads for decades, I'm quite up to speed thank you. And I was expressing my opinion, it was not for your benefit.
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13th January 2019, 22:43
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13th January 2019, 22:43
Drxx, I just wanted to express my thanks for your reasoned (and reasonable!) posts today.
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13th January 2019, 22:48
Now if 6 turned out to be 9,
I don't mind, I don't mind,
Alright, if all the hippies cut off all their hair,
I don't care, I don't care.
Dig, 'cos I got my own world to live through
And I ain't gonna copy you.
69 of 91  -   Report This Post


13th January 2019, 22:52
Thank you malone - I must try to keep it up!
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