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13th January 2019, 16:29
...'Old Boy' isn't the usual OB] the other one (2 letters) starts and finishes the answer.
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13th January 2019, 16:34
...usual symbol for 'gold' to start - there are two Ts missing from wordplay.
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13th January 2019, 16:37
... Sorry, 3Ts missing.
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13th January 2019, 17:00
I can’t seem to be able to see the answers to radials 1 and 2. Any hints would be appreciated.
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13th January 2019, 17:06
casanova -
1- the last three words are the definition
2 - use a word meaning a pair of hawks
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13th January 2019, 17:20
Thank you Wakeling. Can’t see the connection between the definition in ring 5 and the words on the perimeter either.

Thought that radial 19 had an odd answer for comeback of a forgotten band. Unless of course that, in least my case, it is forgotten!
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13th January 2019, 17:30
casanova - All of ring 5 is a definition in Chambers for a part of the other definition that relates to the central word.
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13th January 2019, 17:34
I've just checked the definition of the word examples of which form the perimeter, and found the wording in ring 5
radial 19 - a forgotten word for a band, going backwards, makes up the outer five letters, the definition being "sticking together"
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13th January 2019, 17:38
Thanks malone and drxx.

malone, cereal was a great clue. Saveloy or the cereal is a sausage down south.

drxx. T was very useful.

I am still trying to find two letters for OB . Old man is pa but not sure.
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13th January 2019, 17:44
Thank you for that info Wakeling and drxx.
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