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12th January 2019, 16:55
murky - if you do't mind me answering instead, I spent ages being quite sure of the Las Vegas connection before realising it was incompatible with what was surely the correct answer for radial 17. The construction is almost the same as how you got to the Las Vegas word.
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12th January 2019, 17:18
Thanks wakeling.
So LV houses is wrong.The state could be CA or CAL. Negative voters could be Noes or Nos or Nays. I get nothing.

Ring 5 39. Is it Fut for future?

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12th January 2019, 17:20
Could I please get a nudge for wordplay in 30? Thanks.
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12th January 2019, 17:33
Your LV answer is composed of three elements with the middle one reversed; but only the last one should be reversed.

Ring 5 39: no. It's a very simple clue. Broadcast is an instruction.
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12th January 2019, 17:36
riversk - the scientific body is the Royal Society
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12th January 2019, 17:47
I got P13. Reversed could go either way.
R5, 39, I know that Broadcast is an instruction.
I am asking for what is the word play for "future", FUT or F or something else? Like an 8 letter word.
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12th January 2019, 17:49
sunray - please read the clue as; broadcast "r in future".
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12th January 2019, 18:17
Thanks, wakeling! Was thinking about it backwards.
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12th January 2019, 19:07
Lovely puzzle, beautifully constructed. The last few radials took some time though. My last ones in were 15 and 24. The only thing I haven’t solved is the significance of the title. Any suggestions?
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12th January 2019, 20:10
All done but for radial 13 even though I have so many letters.
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