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13th January 2019, 18:02
Former Pupil sunray.
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13th January 2019, 18:02
sunray - the abbreviation for old boy is non-gender specific. The whole word aptly describes that awful tower block in west London.
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13th January 2019, 18:25
Thanks drxx and wakeling.

The tragedy at tower block clicked.
Also took me a couple of minutes to get Former Pupil. Have not seen that abbreviation before.
Retired RA brought the word into focus.
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13th January 2019, 18:46
Still cannot solve radials 1 and 2. Any further hints would be welcome.
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13th January 2019, 18:50
Casanove, two hawks is cast.
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13th January 2019, 18:51
Oops. Typo. meant Casanova.

One minute rule delayed me.
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13th January 2019, 18:54
'pothead' is an Americanism for someone who likes pot (5 letters - a fairly modern word) + W (and missing an A in the wordplay).
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13th January 2019, 18:56
...sorry, a 6 letter Americanism
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13th January 2019, 18:59

Actually there is an error in this : "meursault - You haven't given enough consideration to other views if you think that posting a complete solution to the puzzle is within the limits of what was discussed a few weeks ago. Your habit of giving unsolicited answers wasn't appreciated then, by just about everyone (myself included). Now you've upped the stakes to a ridiculous degree. "

I have given very much consideration all round. Which answers are unsoiicited ? What is the difference between saying (on Saturday as S_Pugh has done previously) that to answer a question on the board would give the game away, but the person can e-mail for an answer ? So there are precedents for people offering to give up the secrets of the puzzle early on. To bleat now about the poor setter is just cant. And can you tell me the difference between someone offering the answers via e-mail or via facebook ? Does it offend you that there is apparently a 1 to 1 in contrast to a 1 to many ? But if someone has been prepared, on a Saturday, to give up the crucial answer to a puzzle, even to only one person, then hasn't a threshold been crossed ?

You should look again at the comment on the answers thread. It offers only that if you want to find answers you can. Here is a parting comment concerning the book which Johannes de Silentio was the author of, "The tremendous importance of respecting a person’s individuality within a society, one of the key messages of this work, has been repeatedly confirmed in the world, in a shocking manner, through the manifestation of its antithesis - the periodic appearance of dictatorial regimes." This was written by Michael Watts, who wrote an excellent book himself, on the subject.
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13th January 2019, 19:00
casanova, Rad1 definition is lichen producing dye.
Took me a while as I thought it was an anagram of P+lichen.

It is in Bradford's lists.
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