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26th August 2018, 21:47
Oh of course. I've just seen her in Mamma Mia: Here we go again, though not much of her!
71 of 84  -   Report This Post


26th August 2018, 23:19
Thanks Mackania

Sorry I've no idea what 59 used to mean, but I have now got 40 ac
72 of 84  -   Report This Post


26th August 2018, 23:26
Many thanks Biffo

I now have 40ac. I was wondering where and when he'd appear.

I know 59's real name and so have a solution that is too short for 46ac. Is it a theme solution or one of the 36? I've not heard of Excalibar in the context of a theme word.

I have yet to solve the anagram despite having lots of crossers. I need to solve 24ac to get the last crosser.

I have been a bit stupid. Of course some of the numbers on the grid have both across and down solutions. Doh!
73 of 84  -   Report This Post


26th August 2018, 23:29
Just solved the anagram at last.
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26th August 2018, 23:31
In 46ac the first letter of "Excalibur" is part of the solution - that should give you enough letters. I'm still stuck on 45dn, 49ac and 57ac.
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26th August 2018, 23:41
Hi Barretter

45d is the middle two letters of three words in the clue
49ac the definition is the last word. The answer includes many first letters from words in the clue.
57ac is one of my remaining words.

46ac I've suddenly seen as I write. Thanks for your help.
76 of 84  -   Report This Post


26th August 2018, 23:49
Got them all now, thanks. The last letter of 57ac is the first letter of 45dn and the rest of it is the middle of "foyer".
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27th August 2018, 08:30
Still quite a way to go. Not really my idea of fun, sitting in front of the computer going through lists of pseudonyms, several of whom I've never heard of. Luckily it rained all day yesterday. Can't think of anyone to fit 59A which makes 46A difficult too. Any help welcome.
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27th August 2018, 09:06
59 the first 3 letters of this setter sounds like the top of a house
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27th August 2018, 09:10
Oh thank you, of course!
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