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26th August 2018, 12:07
My LOI - 42d "Quantum and poor Louisa exchanging partners in the wind" (7) A?U?L? N. A 6-letter theme word answer seems to 'soar' out, but I'm unsure of the parsing, and stuck with that final N.
Was the word I'm thinking of interchangeably used with an 'N', or can a theme word answer be an adjective? (No others are) Or am I up the wrong tree completly?
Stuck on this since last night, so any hints gratefully received, thank you.
41 of 84  -   Report This Post


26th August 2018, 12:17
Change S to N in Louisa, add Q...
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26th August 2018, 13:06


26th August 2018, 13:21
Helpful posts indeed but I struggle with last one: 47d. I have E-m-e and am aware of girls name but do not understand the “in the space” bit of the clue....
44 of 84  -   Report This Post


26th August 2018, 13:54
Thanks Scorpiojo and Phantom, I'd confused myself over which of the two categories of answer I was looking for - all clear now!
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26th August 2018, 13:57
Hi Rosiet @ 44, perhaps I can pass on the help - check a two-letter typographical term at the start of your answer...
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26th August 2018, 14:14
I've looked at several lists of setters but can't find one that I think ought to fit 22A (??t?) or 7D O??? (heads of following words). Do these people exist?
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26th August 2018, 14:16
Many thanks astrodan - - - always something to learn. Stumbled across SAN Serrife on my way through that maze, so a smile added to the solution.
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26th August 2018, 14:21
I found one on-line ref. to the subject of your answer for 22a; if you just google the four-letter word you should come across it. 7d is the second category of answer, the definition is the first word of the clue.
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26th August 2018, 14:45

These people or rather their pseudonyms definitely do exist, although a fair number of those whom Maskarade has featured only seem to set the Guardian Quiptic - which as you're probably aware is an online-only puzzle.
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