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13th August 2018, 14:36
Muraria, surely in that case it should be 'Lesser shells' so the subject and verb agree, i.e. removes it's outer shell.
I said earlier that the definition seemed OK to me, but on reflection I don't think it is Unio refers to the genus, so 'shells' is really needed for the definition. In that case 'Lesser shells' would work with 'shells' as an intransitive verb. Perhaps it's just a misprint.

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13th August 2018, 15:58
Yes, fair point Dryden, all in all not terribly satisfactory if it's causing us to have this debate.
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14th August 2018, 15:06
I could do with some help on three clues (all have an extra letter 'm' in them to be removed)
British in revolutionary country work with military intelligence, creating difficulties (10)I?RO?L??S
An option for government? In short, Labour miss out somehow (10) A?TOLUTIS
"Like a monkey" - such an expression, but not the French one (6) S?I??
Thank you
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14th August 2018, 16:04
"Like a monkey" si(m)ian

An option for government? absolutis(m) the "S" comes from the across answer dyeSter D + yester

British in revolutionary country work with military intelligence, creating difficulties i(m)broglios
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14th August 2018, 16:05
simian comes from simile minus the le(french the) + an
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14th August 2018, 16:33
Thank you very much Scarlett
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14th August 2018, 23:39
I'm sure this has been the topic of a Listener in recent years.
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16th August 2018, 16:41
This puzzle knocks spots off the Listener & the EV this week. Oh.. and, I live in Cumbria, have crossed R on numerous occasions, and have "done" the Three Peaks (Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside & Ingleborough) twice. I was, however, completely unaware of any connection to a mad racing driver. Apart from the 3 PKs, the two "connected" towns, the crazy marsh, and the edifice itself, has anyone spotted anything else of interest?
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16th August 2018, 16:48
Turast, I didn't particularly enjoy this one - I found it a bit of a chore! I much preferred EV.
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