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11th August 2018, 14:28
jadzia49 did well to get this one!
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11th August 2018, 19:39
Is PK 'park', as in National Park?
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11th August 2018, 21:14
Hi Nelson

No it’s Peak
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11th August 2018, 22:06
Thanks . . . that was going to be my second guess!
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12th August 2018, 16:36
I'm a Lancashire Lad and the location is very familiar to me, but I must say that I thought it way too obscure a theme for anybody outside the North of England who isn't an enthusiast. Even I was unaware of the alternative name for the location which must only be generally known in a tiny adjacent area. The cryptic indication in the shaded cell was similarly oblique. Oh, and the three PKs aren't exactly world famous.

Cracking puzzle otherwise and the grid could be filled without fully knowing the theme - however unsatisfactory that may be.
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12th August 2018, 21:12
I was completely misled into thinking that ASCOT and HOVE were the places and that it had to do with horse racing (Kempton Park, near Hove etc). I also had to Google for the alternative name.

As always, some niggles:
> how does bob's path have anything to do with the answer?
> j(unio)r is presumably lesser, but how does it become a shell, which isn't a correct definition anyway?
> is two of three really just a reference to Roman numerals?

Picky, I know, but Pointer's Listener puzzles have had better clues than these. At least the Inquisitor running sequence of film and TV themes has been broken.
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13th August 2018, 08:05

1) An online search gives "A complete course or vibration, as of a pendulum" for diadrom
2) I don't get this one either
3) yes

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13th August 2018, 08:47
The best that I could muster for UNIO was to have "JR" as its shell.
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13th August 2018, 09:08
I think the definition is OK since one of the meanings of 'shell' in Chambers is 'a shelled mollusc'. But if the wordplay is as has been suggested with the outer letters removed from JUNIOR I think that's an awful clue. If anything, Id have thought that clues JUOR.
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13th August 2018, 09:11
.....given JUNIOR's meaning of "LESSER"
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