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13th August 2018, 09:15
Apologies to dryden - our last two posts crossed. Awful clue indeed if my parsing is correct.
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13th August 2018, 10:13
PK might be Park, with the Lake District National Park to the west, the North York Moors National Park to the east, and the Peak District National Park to the south?

But what are the two place names? I just cannot see them! Ascot and Hove are in the south so don't seem to fit the preamble.
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13th August 2018, 10:22
Tomsdad. I no longer have the crossword, but it is not place names that you are looking for. It is 2 words which form an alternative name for the 'R' in the grey square. There is a lot of help in previous posts.
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13th August 2018, 11:22
Thanks Tony. I already have those two thanks to your previous replies. However the preamble says there are several items (including two place names) that appear on the map of a certain part of britain, their relative locations have been retained approximately. It is those two place names I am asking about.
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13th August 2018, 12:35
The 2 place names are hidden in answers in the top and bottom rows. They are on the route that the viaduct is situated on.
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13th August 2018, 12:36
Sorry. I had completely forgotten and had to get the paper out of the recycling!
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13th August 2018, 12:37
tomsdad, they are the three PKs in the grid. Try googling three peaks.

As I noted earlier, in my opinion this is all a little obscure for somebody who isn't from the North or isn't a rambler cum railway enthusiast.
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13th August 2018, 13:02
Sorry, meant to say that the three PKs are amongst the "several items" discussed in the preamble.
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13th August 2018, 13:37
Thanks tonynannini and bobbycollins. The bottom name was a 'Doh' moment as I am very familiar with it and should have seen it!
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13th August 2018, 14:17
Re the 'Lesser shell' debate, I took 'shell' here as a verb, as in 'shelling peas', so thought the clue was just about OK but it is ambiguous.
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