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23rd July 2018, 14:35
Stuck on one last clue, 33 Down.
Place for new post, almost inside. (5)
Would be most grateful for any helpful hint.
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23rd July 2018, 14:47
Hi, defn is 'inside', think of an office desk.
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23rd July 2018, 15:02
Thank you very much, pka1. I did have a look for "inside" definitions, but obviously wasn't thorough enough ! Will have another try.
Thanks again.
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23rd July 2018, 15:17
I have completed the grid and followed all the instructions in the preamble, but I have been looking at 45a for nearly a day without being able to come up with the answer. Can anyone help me?
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23rd July 2018, 15:22
Hi Casanova if you are after the original entry it’s a shortened version of producing (bit obscure but in Bradford’s) making a dried fruit
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23rd July 2018, 15:23
Pka1 you’re right - the full answer is in chambers. Father followed by vacant again
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23rd July 2018, 15:27
Got it now, thank you, pka1.
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23rd July 2018, 15:52
Wow that was challenging but so clever. Would not have had a chance without the help in here. Not sure I have the correct explanation of the text (1d) because most refer to it as Blank Verse but entered something that looks correct!
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23rd July 2018, 15:55
Hi, mandyrobo704,

thanks a lot. I had worked out how the wordplay operated,but how do you get access to Bradford’s?
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23rd July 2018, 16:09
Bradford's Crossword Solver's Dictionary is available in good old fashioned paper - I don't know if there is an online version. Chambers do a slightly similar Complete Crossword Companion. Both are invaluable for the Listener.
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