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22nd July 2018, 20:07
Minute abbreviated + and (nuts) makes expressive word meaning extremely.
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22nd July 2018, 20:11
TBH I just kept cold solving until I had most of them - take a copy of the grid then take a leap of faith & start fitting them in! It's got to be better than watching Poldark ....
72 of 169  -   Report This Post


22nd July 2018, 20:17
Williamseal, the first entries are all anagrams of the clue answers. And you won't be alone in thinking that you have solved a good many clues for not getting many cells entered in the grid. I think someone already said, that in some respects, the first phase is a akin to sudoku. The further you go, the easier it gets.
73 of 169  -   Report This Post


22nd July 2018, 20:38
Thanks Mersault
I’m still struggling. If 1 across is a word for German, an anagram of animal, and 2 down is a Russian ruler , I cannot see what letter goes into the third square of the top row (assuming both words are anagrams).

I may be out of my league. Doubtless I’ll struggle following the plot of Poldark.

In any event your help is appreciated
74 of 169  -   Report This Post


22nd July 2018, 20:41
Thank you so much, s_pugh. I really laughed when I realised what it was !
Thanks again.
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22nd July 2018, 20:43
The entries are jumbles, not anagrams, so don't have to be real words.
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22nd July 2018, 20:52
Williamseal, I wouldn't bother with any of that. If you do manage to fill the grid in the way you're trying, you'll only have to clear it all and start over again. Instead I solved enough across clues to identify the extra words and so work out what the instruction was. This meant I was able to put the down answers in easily.
77 of 169  -   Report This Post


22nd July 2018, 21:04
Thanks woodlouse, was looking for a piggy definition, so nothing was coming....
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22nd July 2018, 21:37
Hi Williamseal, you have tsar and almain. There's only one common letter. If you're going to be picky, the initial entries aren't anagrams, but you'll understand what I mean...
79 of 169  -   Report This Post


23rd July 2018, 08:26
I’m nearly there but can’t get the initial 1 down or solve 14ac, 43ac and 33dn. Any help much appreciated. I have all of the removed words.
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