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15th July 2018, 14:03
Enjoyed this very much but still stuck on 2d and 3D. Please help!
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15th July 2018, 14:06
Thank you. I see what you mean. I read the preamble to indicate the single line originated in the grid entry and should go through the the grid entry word or at least part of it. Pay (in the sense of to cause or allow a rope to run out, TDC definition 11) would make sense. Indeed this may make more sense in the context as the hint as it would indicate an instruction as opposed the 8 down which indicates what was done.
Had read the last word of the hint as generic rather than referring specifically to the part of the puzzle where we first find the individual.
I am sure you are correct.
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15th July 2018, 14:34
Fgsltw - 2d misprint in definition (pArson) Constant plus 4 letter word for disgrace ignoring first letter. 3d anagram (indicator is novel) of journo minus U plus starts to words Edit and Ernest. Def. Is bullfighting on horseback.
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15th July 2018, 14:43
Thanks smartie, got them now. I was stuck due to error on 1a. I had CRISPS which works perfectly well but is wrong!
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15th July 2018, 16:43
An easier one for sure as I am finished by Sunday rather than a week on Sunday. Also without any help. Was hoping to help others here for once but too slow as ever. I also found the preamble a bit misleading for a while, think I had to highlight more than the path, the arenas host and the one straight line individual. It is indeed a shame that Little Hare could not have used the top line related item, made the 3rd letter of the bottom row a c and somehow thrown in the victim. Still, good stuff and I am thankful for the entertainment.
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15th July 2018, 18:29
One problem. I can’t find the 16a character in the grid. I assume he is connected to the line? But where?

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15th July 2018, 18:58
fgsltw, why do you think that character should appear in the grid. The only character that the preamble requires to be in the grid is the one associated with the deceased.
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15th July 2018, 18:59
Yes, it is curious that he's not there in some way, but there is only one H in the grid (2nd cell of 10D) and there's no E adjoining.
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15th July 2018, 19:06
rrrobbo: WARNING: The preamble requires that the path be indicated by a line, not highlighted. Previous Listener entries have been marked wrong when the solver highlighted the cells rather than drew a line. I am not sure highlighting the arena's host would be marked wrong, but I think one is just supposed to leave those cells blank.
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15th July 2018, 19:08
Clearly the character has already dispatched the host and escaped via the path! :-)
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